In Solidarity to Stop Asian Hate

Tom Wilschutz

The growing violence and increase in hate incidents against Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities over the past year is a terrible reality that we must acknowledge and work against. NBC News reported recently that there have been 3,800 anti-Asian hate incidents in the last year, the majority of which were directed towards women. We can all hypothesize on what is causing the uptick and who is to blame, but we must all hold ourselves accountable to be part of the solution. We must acknowledge that our actions, and our words, have consequences. 

I am so very proud that the Solebury School community strives to be a safe, accepting place with no room for intolerance, racist views, or hateful acts. We have been and will continue to do the hard work of addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community, making space in our hearts and in our lives. But we cannot rest, patting ourselves on the back for efforts. We must continue to work together to preach and practice understanding, acceptance, and kindness for all people, within our community and outside. 

I am here for all of you. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. It is my job to make sure you feel safe and supported and to identify and share any tools needed to support others. This article and some of the ones below gave me a great deal to think about and reflect upon. I hope it is also helpful for you.  


Resources for allies:


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